The window installation will be on display at Hermès Liat Towers till mid-November 2019. Known for her handwoven tapestries that capture the beauty of nature and native landscapes, Alexandra Kehayoglou was invited to create a unique installation that celebrates Singapore’s identity as a Garden City.
Exploring the relationship humans have with nature and our surrounding landscape, Kehayoglou took inspiration from Singapore’s landscape history – a city built alongside mangrove forests. She was captivated by the beautiful chaos of unedited nature found at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve: a greenery so lush that one loses track of time and place. It’s like being in a dream.
With that, Kehayoglou transformed the windows at Hermès Liat Towers into a portal to another reality that gives us a different perspective of the nature around us. Kehayoglou spent ten years depicting fading lands and ecocides through her works, documenting decimation and speaking about lost lands in a bid to draw attention to the harm that we do to earth and in turn, ourselves. In Return to a Loving Dream, she explores a more magical aspect of this realm, finding beauty in the ordinary and bringing attention and awareness to the importance of nature.
Venue: Windows at 541 Orchard Road, Hermès Liat Towers
When: 7 Sep - 17 Nov 2019,
By: Hermès Aloft