In this documentary film, a young mixed-race couple (a Malaysian Ceylonese Tamil male and a Chinese American female) interrogate differing religious backgrounds, expectations on children, and meeting each other’s families, as they explore how to exist as a mixed-race couple in multiracial, yet CMIO-centric Singapore. Through Tinesh and Jane’s personal journey, Rojak Romance examines the history and identity of the Ceylonese Tamil community.
Following the screening, there will be a post-show dialogue with Tinesh, Jane, and the filmmakers.
10 March, 2pm – 3.30pm, The Projector, Blue Room, Golden Mile Tower, Singapore 199589
16 March, 6pm – 7.30pm, Indian Heritage Centre, 5 Campbell Ln, Singapore 209924
When: 10 - 16 Mar 2019,