The quintessential Christmas classic, The Nutcracker returns this holiday season. First staged in 2011, The Nutcracker brings audiences on a journey through the pre-WWI, turn of the century Shanghai featuring favourite and familiar characters including Clara, the Snow Queen, the Sugar Plum fairy and her Cavalier. Based on a story by E.T.A Hoffman, The Nutcracker features the adventures of Clara after she receives a beautifully crafted doll from Dr Drosselmeyer during a Christmastime celebratory party. With choreography and staging by SDT artistic director Janek Schergen, set to a vibrant score by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, with some of the world’s most iconic tunes, this enchanting ballet will feature a spectacular set and gorgeous costumes by local designer Aaron Yap, as well as characters that will dance their way into your hearts!
Venue: Esplanade Theatre
When: 7 - 11 Dec 2016,
By: Singapore Ballet