ThisConnect: Threading Worlds is a multidisciplinary art exhibition that is held in conjunction with Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, from 10 to 27 September 2020. The exhibition features works by the social artist duo Hunny & Lummy led by artists Hun Ming Kwang and Quinn Lum.
The 2 bodies of works, namely Tipping Point and I Feel You, focuses on the theme of human connections and our ability to be our authentic beings. The works reflect the subtle dynamics and invisible forces that influence our experiences as we go through life, carrying the burdens of our emotional baggage from the past and present; struggling to fill the void of the deep-seated stories that have been left unsaid. The stories of loss, pain and vulnerability are often misaligned between our internal worlds and external worlds, and even more so when we leave little room to breathe in the hustle and bustle of life.
Through the documentation of performative, instructional and participatory art, the artists and participants individually and collectively went into a healing process within the safe space created. They looked inwards into their selves to return to their most authentic beings, and to confront their personal truths and difficult emotions repressed by trauma and misalignment so that healing can take place. The pieces of work reflect courage, love, the greatest power a person can have as they return to their most authentic being and innocence once again.
This exhibition is a prelude to a complete exhibition that will happen on 15 December 2020 – 15 January 2021.
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Venue: DECK, 120A Prinsep Street, Singapore 187937
When: 10 - 27 Sep 2020, 12noon - 9pm, Closed on Mondays and public holidays