Judy Martin and Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin are two senior artists and leaders of Mimili Maku Arts. Though they paint next to each other every day, their works explore very different parts of the expanse of land that makes up the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. Both artists have a distinct visual language that embodies the country and Tjukurpa they know and paint. To the right eyes these works are much more than paintings, they are maps of country and documents of great knowledge. Tjintu Ngalya-pakani Tjintu Matjarpanyi brings two distant places together, demonstrating the interconnected nature of Tjukurpa and the all-encompassing and powerful connection to country held by Anangu across the APY Lands.
Venue: Redsea Gallery, Block 9 Dempsey Road, #01-10 Dempsey Hill, Singapore 247697
When: 27 Nov - 3 Dec 2019, 11am - 8pm