Delight in the lesser-known arboreal works of Lim Tze Peng, one of Singapore’s distinguished artists and Cultural Medallion recipient, in Not gallery’s exhibition, titled Tree Spirit/ 森灵: Visions of the Arboreal by Lim Tze Peng. Inspired by the sublimity of the magnificent banyan tree, visitors can now take a walk through 13 of this prestigious artist’s body of work created between 2006 and 2008 that encapsulate, as he once mused, “visual poems of chaos”.
Highly regarded for his Chinese ink paintings of old-world Singapore and abstract hutuzi calligraphy, this exhibition marks an important milestone in Lim’s artistic endeavor where he incorporates contemporary techniques with traditional Chinese painting brushwork – cropping, collaborating with chance, and tilting the picture plane.
Venue: The Arts House, Gallery II, 1 Old Parliament Ln, Singapore 179429
When: 11 - 19 Mar 2023, 12noon - 7pm
By: Not Gallery