Truth Be Told is a duo show curated by Saša Bogogev, featuring 13 recent works by Larissa De Jesús Negrón and Kristína Bukovčáková in the gallery’s Singapore space. Although permeated with a sense of unreality through fantastical dreamscapes, strange creatures, or distorted figures, their distinctive visuals are held together by sincerity and literalism. Often overlapping aesthetically and technically, the works discuss disparate yet existential subjects and are driven by honest introspection and contemplation. So, Truth Be Told, they are setting the stage for a harmonious dialogue between artists’ practices while providing honest insight into their psyche.
Imbuing the new series of paintings with nostalgia, anticipatory fear, and homesickness, the Puerto Rican, New York-based artist is giving shape to her feelings about the uncertainty of the future. Similarly, the Slovakian artist also truthfully speaks of similar concerns but looks at the grander scale, the environmental crisis, and humanity’s destructive position. So, where De Jesús Negrón hopes to process the fear of change with these works, Bukovčáková expresses deep and unflickering concern for the future of permaculture, biodiversity, and anthropocentric ecosystems. They both evoke the peculiar Surrealism ambiance by employing something that can be described as “Internet aesthetic,” a visual language that blends real-world elements with digital-like enhancements. This ambiance extends to the unconventional color schemes that contribute to the overall sense of unreality, bizarre or fantastical scenes that construct unexpected and thought-provoking associations, or visual metaphors that convey deeper meanings.
Venue: WOAW Gallery, 4 Ann Siang Hill, Singapore 069786
When: 15 Mar - 20 Apr 2024,