“Delirium” is a captivating exhibition by artist Wong Perng Fey. This showcase will take place from 24th February to 14th March 2024, at our Singapore gallery located at 47 Malan Road, #01-26, Gillman Barracks, Singapore 109444.
“Delirium” offers a profound exploration of memory, emotion, and the passage of time through a body of paintings meticulously crafted over four years in Austria. Each canvas is a testament to Perng Fey’s unique ability to evoke a deep sense of longing for memories while embracing the act of letting go to welcome the new.
In his artist statement, Perng Fey shares, “Each layer that I put onto the surface of the painting carried a remnant of my feelings, emotion, and memories at the time, and each new stroke consists not just of weight, but also of tension, as if fighting, what to reveal, what to conceal.”
The relationship between the artist and the places he resides in is inseparable, and this connection is palpable in every brushstroke. Through “Delirium”, viewers are invited to witness the artist’s introspective journey, as he gazes into his history while embracing the changes in his surrounding environment.
Wong Perng Fey’s work transcends mere representation; it is a process that serves as a witness to his inner world and the hallucinations he has salvaged. This profound journey unburdens him from thoughts, allowing him to grapple with the complexities of memory, desire, and the passage of time.
Venue: Richard Koh Fine Art, Blk 47 Malan Road, #01-26 Gillman Barracks, Singapore 109444
When: 24 Feb - 14 Mar 2024, Tuesday - Saturday, 11 am - 7 pm